Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Turning 29

Two weeks ago was my 29th birthday. It was the best birthday that I've had in years all thanks to my sweetheart of a boyfriend. We went to park city and stayed the weekend, He spoiled me way to much and I'm ok with that.

I am so happy to have people in my life that love and care about me. I look at being 29 as being a fresh start for me and my life and I want to get as much done as possible. I'm going to get my drivers license and I'm going to start going to school next semester. I am not happy with what I've done with my life as of yet , but that wont stop me from moving forward. I struggle way to much for no apparent reason at all, I could have everything that I want if I just wasn't so scared of moving forward. I need to move forward and get the life that I want. I feel like I've just settled for mediocre because its scary to go out and grab the life you want. I need to find my joy.