So if you know me personally you know that I work for a big retail store aka. Hell for the holidays! What ever happened to Christmas cheer and selflessness for the holidays? Or am I under the assumption that there ever was any to begin with. Some people that I deal with on a day to day basis lately seem to want to jump down my throat at a moments notice. Have they ever heard the saying don't shoot the messenger? I have no say in the matter when it comes to pricing the shit you just HAVE to Buy! Has it ever come into your head that you just might not need that 2.50 doggy outfit, let alone 10!
Another thing that has really gotten on my nerves lately is people asking for cash back. Our systems are only allowed to give you so much cash back and so sorry, but your just going to have to go to the bank if you need 200.00 dollars back. What are people thinking? Are they this dense in normal circumstances or are they just coming out of their fifth eggnog coma for the season! And no, I can not bend the rules just for you and please don't give me the stink eye when you don't get your way. Do you realize your acting just like your three brats begging for those fucking zhu zhu rodents!
So the moral of the story is, if you don't want to end up the butt of a disgruntled cashiers joke for the holidays, Please treat them nicely! I know not all of us seem to be human but, in fact we are and we have bad days too, Especially during the holidays!
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