Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So, It's been awhile....

So its been awhile since I've updated my blog, I've been meaning to but I just keep forgetting to. Any who, A lot has changed since I've spoke to my readers last, I've moved to my brothers house in sugar house and I have a new job. My new home is a lot more central to everything that is going on in Salt Lake and I've been enjoying the freedom of just being able to walk or take the bus to where ever I want to go. As for the new job, I'm still working for the man, It's just a little bit better of a situation.

 As for my love life, me and my Morgan are still together after one year and I'm kind of surprised because I can be quite a pill at times. We are having so much fun together and I love him so much, I love how kind and sweet he is and how he helps me see the brighter side of things always.

Art wise, it's getting to be that time of year again...chalk art season! I wait the whole year just for these few days that I get to participate in. It's a personal tradition that I have grown to love very much, I also like the fact that its for two great charities that help children out a lot.

Well, that's all for now!

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