Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Turning 29

Two weeks ago was my 29th birthday. It was the best birthday that I've had in years all thanks to my sweetheart of a boyfriend. We went to park city and stayed the weekend, He spoiled me way to much and I'm ok with that.

I am so happy to have people in my life that love and care about me. I look at being 29 as being a fresh start for me and my life and I want to get as much done as possible. I'm going to get my drivers license and I'm going to start going to school next semester. I am not happy with what I've done with my life as of yet , but that wont stop me from moving forward. I struggle way to much for no apparent reason at all, I could have everything that I want if I just wasn't so scared of moving forward. I need to move forward and get the life that I want. I feel like I've just settled for mediocre because its scary to go out and grab the life you want. I need to find my joy.  

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Long time, No talk

It's been awhile since I have posted anything on any of my blogs. I would tell you I will be better about doing so but we both know that's a load of shit. Any who, if any one is interested in what I have been up to as of late (which I highly doubt that anyone cares) I've been working way to much and playing less and less. I have hardly had time for myself and I hope this changes soon. I want to be concentrating more on my art, I just need to make time. I have all these ideas that need to be executed and yet no time to spare.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So, It's been awhile....

So its been awhile since I've updated my blog, I've been meaning to but I just keep forgetting to. Any who, A lot has changed since I've spoke to my readers last, I've moved to my brothers house in sugar house and I have a new job. My new home is a lot more central to everything that is going on in Salt Lake and I've been enjoying the freedom of just being able to walk or take the bus to where ever I want to go. As for the new job, I'm still working for the man, It's just a little bit better of a situation.

 As for my love life, me and my Morgan are still together after one year and I'm kind of surprised because I can be quite a pill at times. We are having so much fun together and I love him so much, I love how kind and sweet he is and how he helps me see the brighter side of things always.

Art wise, it's getting to be that time of year again...chalk art season! I wait the whole year just for these few days that I get to participate in. It's a personal tradition that I have grown to love very much, I also like the fact that its for two great charities that help children out a lot.

Well, that's all for now!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Creative Binge!

I made a new years resolution this year to be more creative. As a result, I've been making some really awesome projects! I really love creating,crafting and artsy stuff and it really makes me happy that I've been doing this. I think it's helped me be a lot happier then I normally would be considering everything else going on in my life.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Line VooDoo!

So have you ever been at the grocery store waiting in a long ass line for what seems to be all of eternity? I have a technique that I've been developing over the past few years that may help the next time you find yourself in this situation. My boyfriend call's it line Voodoo, I call it common sense. First off, here's a list of general things I avoid when entering a check out line.

#1. Is the person at the front of the line over the age of 55? It may seem ageist, but it seems to me that very few older people are equipped to handle such things as debit cards, pin numbers, card readers and the all around fast pace technology found at the check out line these days. Plus older people like to haggle like its the 1940's and they tend to think that its okay to write a check for 1.50 tin of cat food. 

#2. The lady with one of more screaming children. She is on an island of her own creation, dealing with the hellions she has as offspring and she is way to preoccupied thinking about how to fen off these wild beasts. She therefore has no time to be efficient at the checkout lane.

#3.The mom/grandma with coupons. She is only worried about bringing her massive shopping cart total down from three hundred dollars to thirty five. She is not at the grocery store to make any friends, she is there to Kill!...Okay, not kill, more like annoy the living shit out of you!

#4. The grumpy old curmudgeon. This guy only wants to pick a fight over any minuscule mistake."Your bruising my bananas!", "You charged me to much for my metamucil!" and so on. The world is out to get him and he knows it!  

So that's my list of things to avoid, now I'm going to tell you that my theory is just that, A theory.  9 time's out of 10 the list above is true. Same goes for the two pieces advice I'm going to give you below. These are situations that give you the green light to hop into the checkout line.

#1.If a single person (meaning they have no wedding band on.) is in line and only has food items with them, this lane is your best bet. Even if they have a fair amount of food on the conveyor they are still going to get out of there as quick as possible! They either have a life and want to get on with it, or are saving themselves from the embarrassing fact they just bought 70 cans of food for their various cats and gotta get home to watch Grey's Anatomy while they weep themselves to sleep.

#2.Okay, so I know this one is probably a no brainer but you wouldn't believe how many people pass up the lane with one person in it who has one item in their hand. Be aware of your surroundings people!

So there you have it folks, My line Voodoo. I'm always looking out for different scenarios in check out lanes and how they play out. Seeing that I am cashier I'm sure I will be able to come up with at least a few more for the future. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lets talk about robots!

 I love robots, I think they are so awesome and I thought that by now, it being the 21st century and all, that we would all have our own robots. It saddens me to think that we don't have our very own robots to do our work for us. Like going to the grocery store or getting the tires on our cars fixed as we sit at home watching reruns of Seinfeld...."No soup for you!".....or whatever strikes our Fancy's!

 I thought the 21st century would be like the Jet-sens and that we would all be living up in space needles of our own and have flying cars and all the neato things they had! All I'm saying is that I thought my life by now would involve more robots and I want them NOW! So whoever is suppose to be on that chip chop! I have work to get out of tomorrow.;)